
Matt Cramer headshot

Matt Cramer LCSW

Matthew Cramer is a long-time Chicago resident and clinical social worker. He is passionate to help clients heal from the neglect, abuse and trauma that challenges their ability to lead effective lives. Matthew has years of experience helping clients struggling with or concerned about addictions—either substance or behavioral.

Matthew is approachable, thoughtful, and effective at explaining the origins of behavior and how they prevent us from being our best selves. Clients new to therapy are especially comfortable with Matthew. Psychology Today

Part-time LCSW or LCPC to perform online and in-person psychotherapy at People’s Therapy of Chicago. 

This is a part-time position that will grow to full time. Perfect for someone currently working full-time and interested in learning how to perform psychotherapy and working in private practice. An interest in treating addictions and trauma is a strong plus. If interested, please email brief cover letter and resume to

Feedback & Reviews​

“I worked with Matt for seven years. I learned communicating with my loved ones and with myself in an honest and compassionate way. These days, I am far less heightened and activated throughout my life than before. I’ve learned ways to regulate my anxiety in a way that makes the day-to-day less daunting and exhausting”.
Former Client, NF

Lamp Post on the River

“As an acupuncturist, I often have the need to refer clients to other health care professionals. Matt Cramer is one of the first people who comes to mind when I need to refer to a therapist. His reassuring, gentle, and forthright manner are qualities that give me confidence when sending folks his way.”
Siri Michel, L.Ac.

“Matt helped me understand the nature of my challenges. He helped me to be easier on myself, reduce my perfectionism and learn to calm down. I learned to speak up for myself in good ways and to reduce ways I over depended on others. This time in therapy was a major turning point for me.”
Former Client, EB